Need More Light

A mystical orb traverses through the unforgiving darkness where small light zones provide temporary rest-bite. Beware of lingering in the shadows for too long!


  • A - Left
  • D - Right
  • SPACE - Jump
  • K - Dash
  • P - Pause

Project Members:

  • Oliver Smith
  • Joe Summerhayes


Music and SFX:

  • Ambient Music Pack Vol. 4 - Ovani Sound - Humble Bundle - Royalty Free
  • Simple Magic Sound FX Pack Vol. 1 - Ovani Sound - Humble Bundle - Royalty Free
  • Cyberpunk Sound FX Pack Vol. 1 - Ovani Sound - Humble Bundle - Royalty Free

All assets are licensed for use in this project. 

Game Design Document


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i really like this concept! I had trouble with jumping on the small platforms because the orb would jump really high and over shoot sometimes causing me to not be able to land, and i'd have to restart quite a bit. I can't wait to see where you take this if you continue!

Thanks, glad you like the concept! We plan to take this further and will definitly be looking into the controls and movement, thanks for the feedback :)

Firstly the game is beautiful and the design is fantastic. The ambient music/sounds are really good too. But maaan I hate the controls. It's like everything has a delay or it's just really slow to move/stop and feels super floaty and not very responsive especially once you're already in the air.

I really wanted to play it for longer because it's so cool but dying cos I can't do simple platforming jumps that you'd find in 1-1 in Super Mario because of the controls just annoyed me too much.

If that's your intended design/difficulty with the game then fair enough but it's not for me.

Thanks for playing! Were glad you like the design and ambience too :) Understood about the controls and appreciate the feedback, we will certainly look at refining the players movement for the next release!